Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary: Day 159

Welcome to the Grown-up Travel Guide 2015 Beer Diary!

A little background info: in December a group of us decided to set up the 2014 Beer Advent Calendar, whereby we would try a new beer each day up until Christmas. We shared our tipples on Facebook and Instagram and a great time was had by all – plus we all got to learn about some fine brews from around the world.

Faced with a sense of emptiness when the challenge was over I decided that 24 days a year was just not enough. Why not a year of beer? And so here we are. I reckon a beer a day can keep the doctor away – but even if not it’ll be fun, right?

Given that a large proportion of the year 2015 will be spent in foreign climes there will be the added element of finding a new brew wherever we travel and there are a huge number of excellent beers available here in Norway too – most of which I doubt any of our readers will have heard of.

Your participation is not only encouraged but required – just use the hashtag #grownupbeerdiary if possible. Add your entries here and/or use our social media channels – whatever works best for you.

To keep it simple follow the same format as we do here: describe your day in a maximum of five sentences, add some info about the beer and a photo or two.

Obscure ales and imports IPAs are always interesting but there’s to be no snobbery here – anything goes, even alcohol-free as we all need a good alternative now and again. We’ll work out the practicalities as we go – but since the first day of the year is nearly over we better get started on this journey around the world – in beer form. Cheers!

Day 159: June 8, 2015

Diary entry:

Yay, Monday!

I know, that sounds a bit weird but is logical enough after a working weekend.

I only had to slog it out for the morning then hit send, and I was done.

Relaxed for a while then to the gym for a swim.

Back to get started on the next (blogging) project and sample another beer.

The Beer:

Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary - Day 159: Sesong from Ego Brygghus of Fredrikstad, Norway
Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary – Day 159: Sesong from Ego Brygghus of Fredrikstad, Norway


Name: Sesong

Producer: Ego Brygghus of Fredrikstad, Norway

Alcohol content: 4.7 %

Bottle size: 500 ml

Purchased from: Gulating Beer Store, Trondheim, Norway


Now this is more like it. After a couple of rather average beers this weekend it was good to get back to some real craft quality. This is a cracking Saison and highly recommended.

Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary - Day 159: Sesong from Ego Brygghus of Fredrikstad, Norway
Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary – Day 159: Sesong from Ego Brygghus of Fredrikstad, Norway
Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary - Day 159: Sesong from Ego Brygghus of Fredrikstad, Norway
Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary – Day 159: Sesong from Ego Brygghus of Fredrikstad, Norway