Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary: Day 9

Welcome to the Grown-up Travel Guide 2015 Beer Diary!

A little background info: in December a group of us decided to set up the 2014 Beer Advent Calendar, whereby we would try a new beer each day up until Christmas. We shared our tipples on Facebook and Instagram and a great time was had by all – plus we all got to learn about some fine brews from around the world.

Faced with a sense of emptiness when the challenge was over I decided that 24 days a year was just not enough. Why not a year of beer? And so here we are. I reckon a beer a day can keep the doctor away – but even if not it’ll be fun, right?

Given that a large proportion of the year 2015 will be spent in foreign climes there will be the added element of finding a new brew wherever we travel and there are a huge number of excellent beers available here in Norway too – most of which I doubt any of our readers will have heard of.

Your participation is not only encouraged but required – just use the hashtag #grownupbeerdiary if possible. Add your entries here and/or use our social media channels – whatever works best for you.

To keep it simple follow the same format as we do here: describe your day in a maximum of five sentences, add some info about the beer and a photo or two.

Obscure ales and imports IPAs are always interesting but there’s to be no snobbery here – anything goes, even alcohol-free as we all need a good alternative now and again. We’ll work out the practicalities as we go – but since the first day of the year is nearly over we better get started on this journey around the world – in beer form. Cheers!

Day 9: January 9, 2015

Diary entry:

A late start today – one of the benefits of our daughter starting an hour later at school on Fridays.

I only just remembered that I had a translation job to deliver by 10am.

Made it with a few minutes to spare and celebrated by taking another wonderful winter drone flight.

The resulting video will hopefully be ready soon and up on the site.

Back at the gym for a punishing spinning session before pizza – and beer.

The Beer:

Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary Day 9: White Dog Norwegian Wheat Beer
Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary Day 9: White Dog Norwegian Wheat Beer


Name: White Dog Norwegian Wheat Beer

Producer: Lervig Aktiebryggeri, Norway

Alcohol content: 4.7%

Bottle size: 0.33 l

Purchased from: Local supermarket (Rema 1000 own brand)


Another new one for me this – and another good one too. As a fan of wheat beer, it’s always a pleasure to find a local variety, even if it is in a small bottle…the label promised refreshment and White Dog delivered. I shall be revisiting this particular brand again.

For a full list of all the beers sampled so far this year, just look under the Beer Diary category – you’re sure to find some tasty inspiration 🙂

Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary Day 9: White Dog Norwegian Wheat Beer
Grown-up Travel Guide Beer Diary Day 9: White Dog Norwegian Wheat Beer